Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph
Called by God into the Fraternity of Francis, we live in Simplicity, Servanthood, and Joy, renewing the spirit of Mother Colette Hilbert, "In all things Charity."
What We Do
Prayer is an opportunity to meet God within us. Through this encounter, we come to a realization of God’s love as revealed in the humanity of Jesus, and experienced in our hearts by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Sisters spend time daily in private prayer. As members of a praying community, they are encouraged to share prayerful experiences with others.
(FSSJ Constitution, 31)

Religious life is a fuller manifestation of Baptism through which we are called to share in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ by joyfully proclaiming the Good News according to the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi and Colette Hilbert. The primary mission of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph is to … respond in faith to the changing needs of society, and search for new forms of apostolic presence.
(FSSJ Constitution, 49 and 51)
Care for Creation
Through Education Ministries, Advocacy for Global Concerns and Caring for the Vulnerable we carry out our call to care for all God’s Creation.
5229 South Park Avenue, Hamburg, NY 14075
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