Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph


Called by God into the Fraternity of Francis, we live in Simplicity, Servanthood, and Joy, renewing the spirit of Mother Colette Hilbert, "In all things Charity."

Monthly Reflection

The Empty Pitcher
by Sister Benedicta Dega, FSSJ


“You cannot pour anything from an empty pitcher.”

I pondered on those words,

Seeing my own emptiness at times.

I know now that to be healed and broken at the same time,

It is to care for others so deeply

That you show your ache in person,

It is to be so full of compassion,

You see the need before it’s spoken.

But before the pitcher becomes full,

Before you can offer its contents to others,

You must have:

A heart that feels their sorrow,

A heart that can wait quietly beside them,

A heart that doesn’t hurry the healing.

In those moments you forget yourself

And get lost in someone else’s pain.

Then, to your surprise …

The pitcher begins to refill.

You become the expert in the miracle

Of being careful with another’s pain.

It means to be in solidarity

With those who cannot help themselves.

And slowly the pitcher overflows

With a love that overwhelms,

A love that God’s Kingdom becomes a reality,

A love that changes vision,

A love that causes healing,

A love that changes the heart’s response.

So the water overflows

As the pitcher becomes too small,

The thirst is quenched and satisfied

For God’s presence is near.

There is satisfaction and comfort,

But most of all … God’s Love!

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