Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph
We, the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph,
witness the Gospel in joy and peace, committed to prayer, service, and
care for all creation.
FSSJ Mission Statement
Feast Day of St. Joseph – March 19
St. Joseph, a man of hope, pray for us.
God, Our Father, Creator of the Universe, you speak to us continually through the marvels of your creation and through the secret movements of our own hearts. With Joseph as our example and guide, help us to listen more attentively to your Holy Spirit speaking within, both in our waking and in our sleeping; and give us the strength to believe and respond to your Love. We ask this through Jesus, our brother. Amen.
St. Joseph, you followed your dreams with faith and your life was transformed. Pray for us
Our Mission & Vision
Helping to connect people to faith
We, the Franciscan Sisters of St. Joseph,
witness the Gospel in joy and peace,
committed to prayer, service, and care for all creation.
Click ‘Read More’ to read reflection on “You Cannot Pour Anything from an Empty Pitcher”.
What We Do
Ways to Get Involved.
Learn About Franciscan Spirituality
Prayer ~ Reflection
Remembrance Garden
A place that offers opportunities for prayer
and quiet reflection.
5229 South Park Avenue, Hamburg, NY 14075
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